This Virtual Festival is an interactive event. It will be much more interesting for everyone if you become a participant. Right now we are looking for people who will "adopt" an osprey in their neighborhood and send in photos and reports on their activities. These should be sent to info@downtowncolonialbeach.org. Naming them and providing their "nest addresses" will help. That way you'll be eligible to win a prize when we select the King and Queen Ospreys of Colonial Beach for 2020 at the end of the season. Provide your contact information, but we will keep that private and only use your first names or no names other than "neighbor" on the blog itself.
In the meantime, perhaps someone can help with this mystery. It looks like there might be a little head sticking out of this nest in a large dead tree on Weems, east of Monroe Bay Avenue. Does anyone know if that’s an Osprey nest and if there is anyone at home in it. Please respond to info@downtowncolonialbeach.org with your answers.