Our Osprey Garden

Exciting times in Colonial Beach! We have some nests with chicks! I don’t have a count yet as Barry and I are behind on that front but by next month, we will be able to give you some statistics!
The Fire Department nest has come through! We have three 3 eggs. The first one was layed on May 17th, 2nd egg was May 20th and the 3rd egg was May 23rd.
We can look for the first egg to hatch somewhere between June 22nd and June 28th.
Log on to our nest cam and maybe you will be able to see this wonderful event live! Here is wishing David and Betty the best. They have been diligent in incubating, both taking turns. You can also view some of their behaviors and antics on YouTube under videos. We have tried to capture some of the best moments.
You can view our nest cam at https://www.youtube.com/@virginiaosreyfoundation
Virginia Osprey Foundation News
The Virginia Osprey Foundation will be partnering with our local Cooper Library on June 10th for an Osprey Walk with children and any interested adults! We will have a short presentation and then take a walk to a nest to learn about Ospreys and their chicks! We invite anyone in the area to attend! Thank you Kitty Norris, Cooper Library Manager, for making this happen! We look forward to collaborating with you.
On June 15th, we are excited to work with Cruisin’ Tikis in Colonial Beach. An Osprey tour in Monroe Bay was raffled off at the Osprey Festival. We will be going out with Cruisn’ Tikis and pointing out the many nests to the lucky winner and guests. We will provide information as we cruise the beautiful Monroe Bay. Cruisin’ Tikis is a wonderful addition to Colonial Beach! You can learn more about them at Colonial Beach Tiki Boat Cruise | Cruisin' Tikis Colonial Beach (cruisintikiscolonialbeach.com) and maybe book your own cruise! They are our first 2025 Sponsor for the 7th Annual Virginia Osprey Festival in Colonial Beach. Thank you Cruisin’ Tikis!!
In June, when chicks are of appropriate age, we will be conducting our 3rd annual osprey chick banding. The Bird Banding Laboratory (Est. 1920), an integrated scientific program, supports the collection, curation, archiving, and dissemination of data from banded and marked birds. These data allow for developing effective bird science, management, and conservation. The lab, in collaboration with the Canadian Wildlife Service Bird Banding Office, administer the North American Bird Banding Program.

On June 1st, We will be participating in Save the Bay, clean up day here in Colonial Beach! We hope to see many of you there as we do our part to clean up trash in Colonial Beach! It takes a village and every little bit helps.
Our Board will be planning other educational events and projects for the coming year so stay tuned!
Thank you for your support and especially your love for our Osprey and the environment.
7th Annual Virginia Osprey Festival in Colonial Beach
April 12, 2025
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