Our Osprey Garden
Greetings Osprey friends!
It is still very quiet in Colonial Beach, I suspect our ospreys will begin their trek back home sometime this month. Luis, our Venezuelan friend, will be on the lookout for any ospreys he sees flying north and will report back to me. We have yet another global friend, Jorge from Costa Rica! Welcome Jorge, I look forward to hearing reports from him too, as well as Fabio from Brazil. We are so fortunate to have these connections now, all for the love of our ospreys!
I have heard of a couple of sightings in Drum Point, Md and Jug Bay, Md, however, none are confirmed with photographs. This is really early for them to be back so we are all waiting for a confirmation.
Festival News
Early Bird TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW ONLINE!! Tickets will be $5 more at the gate on festival day so be sure to get yours before then. Click Here.
I would like to welcome our new sponsors and partners, we are very fortunate to have their support!
Platinum Sponsors
New Partner
Colonial Beach is delighted to partner with Colonial Beach Parks and Recreation and value their support and guidance.
NSF Dahlgren’s Environmental Team will be one of our Exhibitors, we are very excited about this new addition.
For all of the latest news please visit, virginiaospreyfestival.org
We have new festival hats for sale at Colonial Buzz Espresso Bar and we have festival stickers! Festival Shirts have been ordered as well so stay tuned for those.
Remember 50% of festival profits go into an osprey/wildlife fund. Thank you for your support!
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Happy Valentine’s Day!