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Virginia Osprey Foundation

Slideshow photos courtesy of Bob Lennox

Osprey Lovers
Virginia osprey festival

Mission Statement
The Virginia Osprey Foundation is dedicated to the protection of Osprey and their habitats in Virginia.  Through science, education, advocacy and community engagement, our mission is to foster a sustainable environment where Osprey thrive.

The Virginia Osprey Festival is one of the largest festivals of its kind celebrating the osprey’s annual return to Colonial Beach, birdwatching and the area's abundant natural resources.

The International Osprey Foundation

From Joanie Millward, President of the Virginia Osprey Foundation.  Please consider becoming a member of The International Osprey Foundation. They are an amazing organization and have been an amazing partner.

Latest News!

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empty nest.JPG

Take Action!

As you all know, we supplied the Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) with three of our deceased osprey chicks. 


They were sent off for necropsies and today we received preliminary results and we wanted to share them with you.   This does not answer the question as to why they are starving, it just confirms that indeed that is what happened. 


The big question is, why?  What can we do to help?  Please go to the advocacy tab to find your legislators.  Write to them and express your concerns.  If you need help in doing that, send us an email at


“Hey All,

The preliminary necropsy data from SCWDS would support such a theory.  All 4 birds (including the outlier from Smith Mountain) were in poor body condition with very little in their GI tracts.  HPAI and WNV testing was negative.  They sent the livers out for heavy metal toxicology, but it’ll be a while before we get that back.  If they find anything else in the tissue when they do the histology, I’ll let you know.“


Department of Wildlife Resources

William McKeever has been gracious enough to put his compelling 30-minute documentary "The Biggest Little Fish You've Never Seen - Menhaden", online FREE for everyone to view and share. 

An eye-opening documentary about the overfishing of a critical forage fish in lower Chesapeake bay and the lack of action by the Virginia board responsible for commercial fishing in the state.

These forage fish are feed on Plankton and in turn are prey to sports fish, sea mammals and birds. The Federal Government allocates the quotas given to each state and Virginia is allocated 75% of the quota and in turn Virginia allocated 90% of their quota to one company which happens to be foreign owned. Foreigned owned companies are not permitted to have commercial fishing licenses.

The over-fishing has impacted the Osprey population in the lower Chesapeake Bay as well as reducing the sports fishing population that feeds on these forage fish.


Bird migration forecasts in real-time. Bird migration forecast maps show predicted nocturnal migration 3 hours after local sunset and are updated every 6 hours.

Lights Out - BirdCast

Every spring and fall, billions of birds migrate through the US, mostly under the cover of darkness. This mass movement of birds must contend with a dramatically increasing but still largely unrecognized threat: light pollution.

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Virginia Ospreys

The Virginia Osprey Festival in Colonial Beach would like to express its appreciation to the Potomac River Fisheries Commission and its Executive Director, Martin Gary, for their support and use of its facilities to the festival over the years.  Please visit their website and become familiar with this valuable organization located within the Town of Colonial Beach.

Thank You to Our 2024 Festival Sponsors!

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Thank You to Our 2025 Festival Sponsor!

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